This exercise is used to clean and clear blockages before we gather up the energy.
Set up
First get your body in the right position and your mind calm.
- Place your feet hip-distance apart, with toes pointing slightly inwards.
- Check posture. Have you tail bone tucked in, chin slightly tucked in, knees slightly bent, arms hanging off the body like ropes on the end of a stick. Relax your joints.
- Smile.
- Imagine that you are opening the pores of your skin.
- Breathing in and out as you bend the knees, shake your body. Start with three minutes, building up to five minutes.
- Continue shaking, but lift heels off the ground. Continue for another three minutes.
- Now continue shaking for another three minutes with feet flat on the ground again.
You will feel a shower of energy on your head. Enjoy the feeling as it covers your shoulders and neck. Allow the energy to settle into the body and release blockages from your muscles and bones. The shaking will have increased your blood circulation, helping to release blockages and clear negative energy through your hands and feet. Energy is moving through the body.

- Slowly come to rest.
- Feel the Chi sensation (warmth, tingling, spontaneous movement, pins and needles and a feeling like a magnet pulling your hands together.)
- Stand quite still with your eyes closed. Feel the energy moving inside of you, whilst outside everything is still. Your whole body will feel warm.
Now rest with hands over Dan Tien. For women this means placing your right hand on lower belly and left hand on top. Men should place left hand on lower belly and right on top.
This exercise is simple, useful and easy to do, especially when stressed. Do it as a stand-alone exercise anywhere, anytime.
- Stimulates soft tissue, helping to prevent arthritis and other degenerative diseases.
- Keeps joints flexible.
- Stimulates the kidney and urinary and bladder meridians (as you lift your heels).
- Clears channels.
- Cleans away sluggish blockages and negativity.
- Relieves lower back pain.
- Detoxifies the body.
To practice this exercise and the full Qigong routine in the comfort of your home or garden purchase your DVD.