This is a beautiful, calming routine
Repeat six times to each side.
- Raise both arms above the head as you breathe in, and slightly straighten the legs and arms – palms facing together.
Visualize the magnificent colours of the rainbow as you perform this exercise and draw that energy into your body - Move weight to right leg, bending the knees at the same time. Straighten the left leg lifting the heel off the ground so only sole and heel are touching.
- Lean your arms from one side to another as if painting a rainbow above your head, whilst you transfer the weight from right to left foot and pelvis moves opposite to hands.
- When left palm is over Baihui (crown) and right palm horizontal to the earth at almost shoulder height, gaze into the palm of the right hand. Do the opposite on the other side.
- Breathe in as the whole body moves to the right and then breathe out as the whole body sways to the left in a smooth continuous motion.
- Hand movements should be coordinated with the breath, gentle and flowing.
- At no time during this routine should hand drop below shoulder height.
- Focus mental attention on Laogong (pericardium 8, in the palm of the hand )

Health benefits
As you shift weight from left to right, with arms held above head:
- Earth Qi is encouraged to be absorbed upwards beyond Dantian into stomach organ, strengthening the stomach and digestion. This exercise may relieve stomach ache.
- Qi will fill the heart and pericardium channels.
As Laogong point in the palm of the hand is connecting and transmitting cool, calming Qi to Baihui point, on the top of the head, it may reduce headaches.
Do not do this exercise if you have hot or clammy palms or a cold wind-like feeling coming from the hands. Just repeat Shibashi No 1. raising the arms.
“With the mind circulate the breath manoeuvre the body, striving to make it follow compliantly.
Then it can readily obey the mind.”
Wu Yuxiang (1812-80)
For the full routine of Basic Tiandi Qigong order your DVD today.

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