This medical Qigong exercise for healing is like acupuncture, but with no needles.
When to do it
This simple exercise can be done:
- mornings
- evenings
- whenever you need to feel invigorated
- if you are feeling stressed
- when you are confused and cannot make a decision.
How it works
The vibration moves Qi so you don’t hold onto things. As the vibration goes through your body it opens the channels and joints and releases tension.
To get started
- Rub your hands together, using gentle pressure on the palms. As the hands warm up, blood comes to the surface. Qi follows the blood.
- Use spear fingers, which you make by pointing the second and third fingers of each hand out in front of you. Your fourth and baby fingers are folded back into your palms and covered by your thumbs. (It looks as if your are pointing an imaginary gun.)
- Tap lightly at first. Over time, tap harder as your body gets accustomed to it
- Tapping should be painless. If it is painful do lighter taps.
Simple routine
Each point affects a particular part or organ of the body. Tap vigorously, using some of the suggested affirmations below or your own affirmations to make the session even more effective
1. Between the eyebrows (third eye) – affects pituitary gland
“My hormones are in balance. My emotions are calm.”

2. Top of head (crown) – affects brain
“My memory is excellent. All neurons connect.”
3. Side of the eyes (temples)
“I can see clearly always.”
4. Below the eyes on cheek bones
“I am moving forward with ease and grace.”
5. Between upper lip and nose
“I am in the right place, at the right time, right now.”
6. Between lower lip and chin
“I am never alone. I am supported every step of the way.”
7. Behind the ears at base of skull
“I hear everything perfectly.”

8. In the middle at base of skull( under the bump) – affects pineal gland, which controls serotonin levels
“I hear my inner guidance clearly. “
9. On sternum below the throat – affects thymus
“I feel safe.”
10. On each side of the neck and throat – affects thyroid
“I express myself freely and creatively. I am willing to change.”
11. On either side of the chest, below the clavicle
“Abundance flows in every way, every day of my life.”
12. Chopping at the wrist
” I am so grateful for everything that is in my life today. Gratitude fills me. I am moving forward.”
I like to finish every session with my hands in prayer position. Repeat the final affirmation three times.
“Thank you for the healing I have just received.”
Congratulations you have just completed a self-healing session.
For more exercises to improve your health, buy my DVD Practice Qigong.
Softness Overcomes Hardness