Weed soup is the way to go when wanting to nourish the garden and recycle weeds.

- Plastic bin with a lid
- Water
- Weeds!
Few Easy Steps
- Loosely fill the bin with the weeds.
- Leave out fire weed and seeds of weeds already gone to seed. Green flowering tops that have not yet set are perfect.
- Fill the bin with water.
- Put the lid on.
- Leave for a week is sunny / semi-sun position.
- Stir every other day.
To use
- Stir the mixture and let it settle.
- Half fill watering cans with the ‘soup’ by dipping the open part under the water and allowing it to fill.
- Leave the watering can floret off as it will block.
- Dilute with water 50/50.
- Feed foliage in the entire garden generously.
- Keep going till you have used half the soup.
- Now fill the bin up with water again.
- A week later you can use some more soup.
You can add fresh grass clippings and other green pruning material to the soup.
I make exactly the same soup using fresh or dried sea weed that I collect from the local beach. Wash the salt off the seaweed before adding to the soup. Using seaweed can be a great way to assist local communities keep the beaches clean. But do not remove seaweed from a beach reserve or national park!
Seaweed soup has different nutrient properties. It is rich in trace elements. The gel of the seaweed soup builds strong cells in the plants allowing them to become more frost resistant. Your plants become healthier and so are also more resistant to disease and pests.