Expanding your garden with existing plant stock to gift and share is a gardener’s joy.
Propagating from stem cutting:
- take heels from plants like basil, pineapple sage and lemon verbena with at least four to six nodes
- remove bottom set of leaves – new roots often develop from this area
- cut tips off, removing all flowers
- dip planting end into organic honey – it will seal the open cut
- use pencil to make hole in planter, plant in soil mixture of organic potting soil and vermiculite
- firm around the cutting
- place in hot spot with good light
- water with weak solution of seaweed tea to encourage root growth and strengthen cells.
Your cuttings will be ready to plant out when the top leaf growth is well developed.
Growing new plants from cuttings in water
- take cuttings from any of the mints, basil or salvia family
- place is glass jars on sunny windowsill
- replace the water two or three time a week
- when a good root system has developed plant out in position in the garden.
Propagating from root division from plant clumps like lambs tongue or chives
You can:
- dig up a mature plant
- gently pull apart or cut in pieces when necessary till you have individual plants
- pot or replant in position.
Propagating by taking side shoots off the “mother plant” like feverfew, pineapple sage, aloe vera and carnations
You can:
- gently remove the new young plants
- dip into honey
- plant into potting mixture
- water with seaweed tea
- plant out into garden when established
Propagating by layering in situ with plants like rosemary, lavender and nasturtiums
You can:
- lay a branch on top of the soil
- secure in position with a wire or branch pin or small stone to hold it down
- cover branch completely with soil
- wait a short while until it has established roots
- plant out the babies.
All you need to get started
- Small jar of organic honey.
- Compost from your compost heap or shop.
- Bag of organic potting soil.
- Recycled pots, empty toilet rolls or hand-made paper pots.
- Clean sharp secateurs and good clean sharp knife.
- Watering can with flower nozzle.
- A dibber (pencil or chopstick).
General tips to consider:

- timing
- temperature
- moisture
- hygiene.
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“In gardening, one’s staunchest ally is the natural lust for life each plant has, that strong current which surges through everything that grows”
Jean Hersey