Garlic, ginger and chillies
These three herbs should be included in your diet daily. They should be organic and fresh, not cooked.

Why raw?
- Because it is better for your health so you ingest maximum nutrient value
- The irritant factor increases with temperature and length of cooking.
How can you make food with these herbs, but not cook them?
- Peel and grate the ginger.
- Crush the garlic.
- Chop the chillies, including the seeds, very fine.
Contrary to what Jamie Oliver and other top chefs say I do the following:
- prepare the dish as per recipe but do not add ginger, garlic or chillies early in the cooking process
- when dish is cooked, turn the heat off and stir in the peeled, chopped and crushed herbs
- allow dish to stand for five minutes and serve.
The result is:
- maximum flavor for your dish
- no irritant factor causing runny tummy, flatulence or “ring of fire” the next day
- maximum health benefits of active ingredients.
If you want to grow your own organic food, download your Low Budget Organic Gardening E book.